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Movies for Grownups

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Audience in a movie theater watching a film MFG

Free Upcoming Screenings

We're sorry, there are no in person Movies for Grownups screenings planned within 30 miles of Harbor City, CA.

In the meantime, check out our schedule of upcoming films that will be streamed online. RSVP today!

About AARP Movies for Grownups

AARP Movies for Grownups launched in 2002 to help fight ageism in the entertainment industry by encouraging films that resonate with older audiences and highlighting the best films & performances of the year. MFG films spotlight actors, directors, and writers aged 50-plus who create stories that showcase grownup experiences with a wide range of interests and tastes, but always selected with the grownup audience in mind.

In 2012, Movies for Grownups launched a nationwide screening program for AARP members and friends giving them the opportunity to gather as a community for free in person movie screenings. In 2020, Movies for Grownups expanded, adding free virtual movie screenings, including a real-time chat feature creating a sense of community among the viewing audience. Movies for Grownups films include pre-releases, new releases, fascinating documentaries, and fan-favorite classic films. And best of all, AARP Movies for Grownups screenings are FREE!

Don't miss out on AARP's Movie for Grownups news and reviews - visit

Contact Movies For Grownups at for more information.

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