AARP Eye Center
When we purchased our farm it was quite run-down. The woman we purchased it from, God bless her, was 97 at the time of sale and still living here all by herself, so needless to say she wasn't out mowing the grass, let alone pruning the blueberries and climbing in the peach trees to thin out the upcoming crop of fruit. We sure had our work cut out for us and have spent the past 5yrs repairing, pruning, building, rebuilding, mowing, fencing, and learning. And we're doing all this while raising four kids, each with their own needs, desires, personalities, problems, & accomplishments.
We have slowly been adding to our small little farm. We started with three children and a cat. Then I thought honey bees would be fun and hubby indulged my curiosity. Hubby wanted fresh eggs, so the chickens arrived. Then came sheep, because I had always wanted to raise sheep and of course living on a farm we naturally decided the kids needed to get in on the action, so last year one of our sons raised market goats for 4-H and now we have three interested in raising a variety of animals including pigs and steer. We can't do it all, but nothing is stopping us from trying it all.
Each season brings new experiences and knowledge about the abundance that God has provided. We try and we fail, then we try and we fail again and then one day we try and we succeed. Its a constant learning process and we are excited to share our growing knowledge and the bounty we are blessed with, with our children, our community, and anyone interested in our eccentric hobbies and the adventures we have.
Wednesday, Mar 12, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. CT
Online Event
Thursday, Mar 13, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. CT
Online Event
Thursday, Mar 13, 2025 at 1:00 p.m. CT
Online Event
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