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Highlighting Bedford

Palmer H. Lewis Memorial Sanctuary

Old Post Road (Route 121)
Bedford, NY 10506

The Mission of the Bedford Audubon Society is to promote conservation and protection of wildlife habitats in the Northern Westchester and Eastern Putnam region through education, advocacy, nature study and birdwatching.

We envision ourselves as an organization that is:

The recognized local authority on birds and their habitats.

-- A credible voice promoting environmentally sound decisions on local conservation issues.

-- The leader in education on birds and their habitats.

-- A local information resource on wildlife.

-- Recognized for good use and wise management of our wildlife sanctuaries.

-- Identified as a provider of high quality programs and field trips.

The Palmer H. Lewis Sanctuary is the Society's smallest property. The upland area consists of a dry rocky hillside with mature mountain laurel, large oaks and hickories. Eastern Coyote, Barred Owl, and Wood Thrush are present in the woodlands. The roadside area has a small field that is maintained for butterflies and bluebirds.

Since the Sanctuary is so small, there is only one trail leading into it.

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