AARP Eye Center
Open: Year-Round
Spring 2001:
While working for Fidelity, Amy LaBelle lived in Boston's South End. That Summer, while vacationing in Nova Scotia, she visited a small winery and witnessed the making of blueberry wine. The sight, feel, smell of it all caused an "Aha!" moment for Amy; in that moment, Amy knew she was born to open LaBelle Winery.
Summer 2001:
Amy's first batch of wine was a one-gallon batch of Blueberry Wine, crafted in her Boston apartment. When the city was evacuated on September 11, 2001, Amy brought only a few of her most important possessions with her; this first batch of wine was one of them. She continued winemaking that Autumn, fermenting apple, peach & cranberry wines.
For the next four years she experimented and educated herself, she took classes from a world-renowned wine and viticulture program at UC Davis in California, and she began to practice & perfect her craft, all the while dreaming the details of the winery she would build.
Fall 2005:
She started her winery at Alyson's Orchard in Walpole, New Hampshire, with 400 gallons of wine. Amy sold out every season, at farmer's markets, wine tastings and local stores, and began to achieve industry recognition, winning regional and international accolades and medals.
Fall 2012:
Amy leaves her day job in July to prepare for the new facility's opening. October 3, 2012, the new facility opens, tripling production and adding an Event Center, Retail Shop & Café to the Winery's offerings.
Winter 2012:
Seeking to explore the versatility of her wines and embrace all things delicious, Amy launches The Winemaker's Kitchen line of culinary products. Included in this line are jams, jellies & sauces made with the wine, honey harvested from on-site beehives, custom blended coffee, and pure vanilla extract.
Thursday, Mar 13, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. CT
Online Event
Thursday, Mar 13, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. CT
Online Event
Thursday, Mar 13, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. CT
Online Event
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