Tune in for a Tele-town Hall on Social Security
AARP knows that you work hard and pay into Social Security, so it's only fair for you to expect to get the money you've earned. We know Social Security can be confusing, so we have an opportunity for you to learn more and ask questions.
AARP has been fighting to ensure Americans get the Social Security they've earned for decades and we can answer important questions that should help you when you want to claim your Social Security. Some questions we hear often and can answer include: When should you claim? How can you maximize your money? How much will you get? What kind of long-term challenges does Social Security face?
We will host a tele-town hall on Tuesday, November 14, at 6:30 p.m. Central Time / 5:30 p.m. Mountain Time. That evening, we'll be making calls to South Dakotans like you inviting you to join in - so we hope you'll pick up your phone!
If we miss you when we dial out inviting residents to connect, you can call
866-654-9479 to be connected to the live program. Or, you can catch the live audio program on our Facebook page.