AARP Eye Center
There Is No One Way To Plan For Retirement
According to an AARP survey, 61% of older adults are worried they will not have enough money to support themselves in retirement, and 20% of older adults have no retirement savings at all.
No matter where you are in preparing for retirement, there are small steps you can take during your Pretirement years to help you accomplish goals like paying off debt, building an emergency fund, and understanding your retirement savings options. By taking steps toward planning for retirement through, people can feel more prepared and ready for retirement.

Kimo Pokini, who is member of AARP Utah's Executive Council, is 54 years old. He's been getting ready for retirement for a few years now, but he still has some more planning to do. He recently chatted with KSL-TV's Tamara Vaifanua about his experiences and insights on preparing for retirement in your 40s and 50s.