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Tell Politicians What it's Like to Walk "In My Shoes"

Posted on 10/03/22

Are candidates listening to voters 50+? Do they understand their concerns?

We’ve heard from thousands of people: Telling us about their day-to-day lives. Sharing about the stress they feel about the future. They are unable to save enough for retirement - or dipping into nest eggs just to pay for everyday expenses. Many Minnesotans have had to pay thousands out of their own pockets to care for their loved ones while also juggling jobs, often without paid leave.

I am caring for a spouse and mother-in-law. My husband is disabled from COVID. We are way behind on bills and face losing our home because we couldn't make payments on my salary alone.
Linda, MN

Voters 50+ have a lot on their plates--and are feeling invisible and ignored. We know many older Minnesotans are worried about rising costs for basic needs like food, gas and medication.

In Our Shoes
Very few people have the privilege of just dying. Things start going wrong through no fault of your own and the result is financial ruin.
Stephen, MN

With just weeks left until the midterm election, it’s more urgent than ever for candidates to listen to this powerful constituency--to understand what it’s like to walk in their shoes--and focus on the issues that matter to them.50+ voters here in Minnesota will decide this election and they're looking for candidates who will listen. Politicians ignore them at their own risk. Tell candidates about what it’s like to walk in your shoes. Visit or fill out the story collection form below today.

This story is provided by AARP Minnesota. Visit the AARP Minnesota page for more news, events, and programs affecting retirement, health care, and more.

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