AARP Eye Center
Secure Choice for Rhode Islanders

Secure Choice Passes House and Senate!
“Hardworking Rhode Islanders deserve to retire with dignity and that is why we are thrilled to celebrate the passage of Secure Choice,” said Catherine Taylor, AARP Rhode Island State Director. "On behalf of our members and the 172,000 Rhode Island workers who do not currently have access to retirement savings options on the job – AARP Rhode Island commends House and Senate leadership for uniting on this vital legislation that will make it easier for workers to build towards a secure retirement and plan for their futures."
House Bill 7127: Sponsored by Chairman Evan P. Shanley
Senate Bill 2045: Sponsored by Senator Meghan Kallman
Why is Secure Choice a top priority for AARP Rhode Island?
AARP's mission is to empower people to choose how we live as we age. Financial security makes it possible to have choices and retirement savings are an essential component of financial security.
What is Secure Choice?
Secure Choice is a portable, voluntary retirement savings program that will be accessible to over 172,000 private sector employees in Rhode Island. Learn more and to read AARP Rhode Island research on why employees and employers support the legislation.
Learn More About Secure Choice
We have assembled an extensive Secure Choice Q&A. Click here to see why Secure Choice makes sense for employees and their employers.
A recent AARP Rhode Island survey found that small business owners in Rhode Island support Secure Choice as a low-cost, low-risk retirement savings option managed in a public–private partnership by the State of Rhode Island.

Fighting For You At The State House
Click to watch Catherine Taylor at the February 14, 2023 Secure Choice News Conference