AARP Eye Center
NOW is the Time to Support WI Caregivers

We often refer to unpaid family caregivers as Wisconsin’s unsung heroes, flying under the radar while providing vital care that allows their loved ones to continue living in their homes and communities as long as possible.
In fact, did you know that Wisconsin’s 578,000-plus family caregivers provide about 538 million hours of care to their parents, spouses, partners, and others every year? They spend an average of $7,000 per year on out-of-pocket costs related to caregiving, while also working and raising their own families.
Family caregivers put in long hours helping loved ones with tasks such as giving baths, managing medications, preparing meals, paying bills, and providing transportation to doctor’s appointments. They even help with home modifications, such as installing wheelchair ramps, hand railings, or shower bars to keep their loved ones safe in their homes.
These caregivers are the backbone of Wisconsin’s long-term care system, but their work has largely gone unnoticed and unsupported. For years we at AARP WI have been focused on finding ways to provide some relief for these folks, and we’re excited to talk to Wisconsin’s new state legislators about how to take that first step. Add your name and join the fight for family caregivers!
In the past, a group of bipartisan state legislators introduced a bill that would create caregiver tax credit to help caregivers offset some of the personal expenses they incur while providing care for loved ones.
This bill never made it to the governor’s desk, but we are confident that the new legislature will see this as a priority for Wisconsin once their session begins in 2025.
We at AARP support a $500 income tax credit for certain expenses incurred by a family caregiver to assist a qualified family member. Our hope is that the governor will include funds for the tax credit in his proposed 2025-27 state budget, or the legislature will pass a credit by separate legislation.
But we will need your help to make that happen. We’re asking all of you to please contact your state lawmakers and urge them to support a caregiver tax credit bill.
With thousands of Baby Boomers retiring each day and fewer home health care workers available to take care of them, AARP believes that making small investments in caregivers now will lead to big savings for Wisconsin and much better care for families down the road.
Let your voice be heard and tell lawmakers that they can’t ignore the needs of so many Wisconsinites. Add your name and join the fight for family caregivers!
Here is a link to sign the WI Caregiver Pledge:
If you are a family caregiver in need of additional resources and support, check out our Wisconsin Family Caregiver Resource guide, which has valuable information that might help you out. Here is the link to the guide: