AARP Eye Center
Medicaid Matters: Defending Health Care Access in NH Event March 26

Join this webinar to learn about what’s at stake for NH Medicaid and how you can help protect essential health care coverage for New Hampshire residents.
Date: Wednesday, March 26
Time: 7 pm
Location: Zoom [Registration Link]
In New Hampshire, more than 187,000 Granite Staters rely on Medicaid for their health care needs – including children, pregnant women, people with disabilities, veterans, and older adults in nursing homes. But this vital program faces serious threats from potential federal budget cuts. These cuts haven’t happened yet, so this is an important opportunity to become informed and learn how you can take action to defend Medicaid in New Hampshire.
In this webinar, you will learn:
- What Medicaid is and who it helps.
- How potential federal changes to Medicaid policy could impact our health care coverage and our communities.
- How you can use your experience to urge lawmakers to protect our Medicaid programs in New Hampshire.
Whether you're a Medicaid recipient, caregiver, health care professional, community advocate, business owner whose employees depend on this coverage, or have other experience, your voice can make a difference.
This webinar is hosted by NH Medicaid Matters, a group of organizations committed to protecting New Hampshire’s Medicaid programs, a critical source of health insurance for over 187,000 of our residents.