AARP Eye Center
Mayor’s Council for People With Disabilities and AARP Wyoming Team Up For Walk Audit

AARP The Mayor’s Council for People with Disabilities (MCPD) will conduct a Walk Audit of portions of Capitol Avenue in Cheyenne with AARP and the City Engineering Department from 9 a.m. to noon on May 8.
A Walk Audit is an activity in which participants observe and evaluate a location's walkability to identify and document whether and how pedestrians can safely travel along a street, navigate an intersection, get from Point A to B to C, and so on.
AARP Wyoming State Director Sam Shumway, AARP volunteers, City Councilman Pete Laybourn, and Cheyenne City Traffic Engineer Rick Amen will accompany members of the MCPD. Portions of the Walk Audit will be photographed and videotaped.
The human experience data from the Walk Audit will be collected and documented on AARP Walk Audit worksheets and given to the City of Cheyenne Engineering Department and AARP for analysis.
The data collected can be utilized in the plan to analyze the condition of Capitol Avenue, which will be included in the documentation provided by students from the University of Wyoming Intern Program who work for the Engineering Department during the summers.
“We welcome the opportunity to work with the Mayor’s Council for People with Disabilities and AARP because they present a unique perspective that can be incorporated into the plan to increase walkability for citizens and visitors as they experience historic Cheyenne and the bronze statuary on Capitol Avenue \said Rick Amen, Traffic Engineer for the City of Cheyenne.
For more information on the Mayor’s Council for People with Disabilities, visit their website at:, and access Boards/Commissions, visit ”askmcpdcheyenne” or call the Mayor’s Office at 307-637-6300.