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Family Caregiver Resources for Kansas

Posted on 02/16/24 by AARP

En español | Caregiving may be one of the most important, and challenging, roles you’ll ever take on. No matter where you are in your caregiving journey — starting to plan; taking care of a family member in your home, in a facility, or from a distance; or managing end-of-life caregiving responsibilities — having resources at your fingertips will make the process easier. 

AARP developed this family caregiver guide with you, the caregiver, in mind and as a starting point to help you find the services and support you might need throughout your journey. 

To order a print copy of this online guide, call the toll-free AARP Family Caregiving Resource Line at 877-333-5885 and indicate which state(s) you would like to receive. A copy will be mailed to you.

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Caregiver Support

Department for Aging and Disability Services Kansas Caregivers (855-200-2372)
Provides information on available programs, support and other resources for family caregivers of older adults. Includes an Eldercare Locator tool to find services for older adults and their families.

Trualta Care Network
Free online training platform provides practical caregiving support. Offers on-demand videos, webinars, tool kits and articles from caregiving experts.


Kansas Corporation Commission (785-271-3200)
Oversees the Kansas Lifeline Program, a telephone assistance plan that provides income-eligible consumers with a reduction in the price of basic local services.

Department for Children and Families (833-765-2003)
Offers the Low Income Energy Assistance Program, which helps eligible households pay some of their energy costs; nutritional education and food assistance through an Electronic Benefits Transfer card to cover a portion of their food budget; Adult Protective Services, which investigates neglect, exploitation and financial abuse of adults 18 years or older and, if needed, provides protective services; and the Kansas Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, which helps locate interpreters, registers people to become sign language interpreters and coordinates services for those who are deaf or hearing impaired.

Kansas Insurance Department (800-432-2484)
Educates consumers on matters related to insurance and securities, including frauds and scams.

Low Income Energy Assistance Program (800-432-0043)
Provides financial assistance for eligible residents having difficulty paying their utility bills. Weatherization resources may also be available.


Disability Rights Center of Kansas (877-776-1541 | 785-273-9661)
Attorneys and advocates provide free advocacy and legal services to people with disabilities.

Kansas Attorney General’s Office (888-428-8436; 785-296-2215 | Consumer Protection Hotline: 800-432-2310)
Services cover public safety, consumer protection, fraud and abuse prevention, and victim services. Provides information on how to register for the Do Not Call list and file complaints about Medicaid fraud, identity theft and other issues.

Kansas Legal Services (800-723-6953; 785-233-2068 | Elder Law Hotline: 888-353-5337)
Offers free or low-cost legal services to low- and moderate-income older adults, and provides legal advice, information and assistance with noncriminal cases.


KanCare (800-792-4884)
Medicaid program for eligible residents. Services include doctor appointments and hospital visits, behavioral health services, dental and vision care, pharmacy, transportation, and nursing home care. Older adults who are eligible for nursing home payments can receive medical and support services that enable them to safely stay in their home and community for as long as possible.

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Visiting Nurses (785-843-3738)
Provides skilled nursing, comprehensive health and rehabilitation, hospice, and private duty services at home so older adults can maintain their independence.

Senior Health Insurance Counseling for Kansas (800-860-5260)
Provides people with Medicare and their families with one-on- one counseling and assistance obtaining benefits, filing claims and understanding health care options.

Housing and Care Facilities

Kansas Advocates for Better Care (800-525-1782 | 785-842-3088)
Advocates for quality long-term health care for older Kansans in the setting of their choice. Provides resources with information about long-term care and consumer information reports and offers training to family caregivers and paid caregivers on best elder care practices.

Office of the State Long- Term Care Ombudsman (877-662-8362 | 785-296-3017)
Provides consumer protection advocacy services to residents of long-term care facilities, such as nursing homes, assisted living facilities, specialty care facilities and boarding homes. Anyone can use an ombudsman to report a concern and get help resolving problems, including residents, residents’ family members and friends, and long-term care facility employees.

Information and Services

Adult Protective Services (888-369-4777)
Eligible households receive nutritional education and food assistance through an Electronic Benefits Transfer card to cover a portion of their food budget.

Food Assistance Program (888-369-4777)
Eligible households receive nutritional education and food assistance through an Electronic Benefits Transfer card to cover a portion of their food budget.

Harvesters Community Food Network (877-353-6639)
Provides food and related household products.

InterHab (785-235-5103)
Advocates on behalf of individuals with developmental disabilities, promotes independence and encourages inclusion among all communities across Kansas.

Kansas Association of Area Agencies on Aging and Disabilities (855-200-2372)
Represents the statewide Area Agencies on Aging network, providing home- and community- based services and support for older Kansans and their caregivers. Services include information and referral, nursing home functional eligibility assessments, caregiver programs and information, home- delivered and congregate meals, and health insurance counseling for older adults.

Kansas Commission on Veterans Affairs Office (800-273-8255 | 785-296-3976)
Provides older veterans or veterans with disabilities with rehabilitative, residential and medical care and services; offers access to state veteran-specific resources and benefits. Helps veterans and their families file claims for federal veterans’ benefits and offers veterans low-cost loans to purchase farms and homes.

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Department for Aging and Disability Services (800-432-3535 | 785-296-4986)
Provides services for older adults, including behavioral health, addiction and prevention programs, and administers the state’s home- and community-based services waiver programs under KanCare, the state’s Medicaid program.

Kansas Food Bank (316-265-3663)
Provides food to hunger-relief partners, such as pantries, congregate meal sites and more. Administers the Commodity Supplemental Food Program for older adults in select counties.

Second Harvest Community Food Bank (816-364-3663)
Food distribution center serves families, individuals and older adults.

End of Life

Kansas Division of Public Health Palliative Care Program (785-296-5535)
Provides information about palliative care and advanced care planning

Kansas Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (785-296-1086)
Offers resources on palliative care, advanced care planning and caregiver support.

This story is provided by AARP Kansas. Visit the AARP Kansas page for more news, events, and programs affecting retirement, health care, and more.

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