AARP Eye Center
Fall Shred Fest - Farmington
Register here for this event!
No one wants to be a victim of fraud and one of the best ways to protect yourself from identity theft is simply to shred confidential documents such as medical records, credit card and bank statements, and old tax records.
AARP Arkansas will host our FREE Northwest Arkansas Shred Fest on Saturday, September 21, 2024, from 9 a.m. to noon, at Farmington United Methodist Church, 355 Southwinds Road, Farmington, AR. Follow the signs on the day of the event to keep traffic flowing in the correct direction.
Shredding will be done on-site, rain or shine:
Limit three small boxes per car (these have to be lifted by volunteers)
This is for personal documents, not businesses
PRE-REGISTER for faster service
Please no plastic bags, binders, or other items that could damage the industrial shred trucks
If you have difficulty registering via the link, please call 1-877-926-8300 and request assistance registering for the Farmington Arkansas Shred Fest.
While you’re here, contribute non-perishable food items for local food pantries by bringing an item to drop in the box (please note, AARP Arkansas can not accept cash donations).

Have you been the target of a scam? Contact the AARP Fraud Watch Network. Not only do we track scams, but we may have tools and resources to help.
Another way to protect yourself from fraud and scams is to stay abreast of the latest trends. The AARP Fraud Watch Network constantly updates its information here and provides a wonderful email newsletter. Sign up for Watch Dog Alert here.
Additional fraud prevention events are being scheduled across the state. Please visit for the most up-to-date information.