AARP Eye Center
Arkansas Save
We all know saving for retirement is important, but many people can’t because small businesses find it hard to offer savings plans.
As a result, about 30% of Arkansans rely only on Social Security when they retire.
But what if there was a way for Arkansans to save for retirement without making it hard for small businesses and saving the state $2.7 Billion on public assistance over 20 years?
Read more about Arkansas Save.
Click here and make a pledge to support Arkansas small business owners and their efforts to help more than half our state's public-private workers who do not have a way to save for retirement through their paychecks.
Hear from House Bill 1335's sponsor, Rep. Les Warren (R-Dist 84), about why he supports Arkansas Save.
AARP commissioned a Small Business Survey. More than 500 small business owners and decision-makers were polled and their answers overwhelmingly say they want lawmakers to support a plan like Arkansas Save.

HB 1335 is currently being considered.
Check out these tools, including the AARP Retirement Calculator.