AARP Eye Center
AARP Foundation Tax-Aide Open in Virginia

AARP Foundation Tax-Aide is providing free in-person and virtual tax assistance and preparation now through April 15 throughout Virginia. Since 1968, Tax-Aide has provided free tax help to over 78 million taxpayers, with a focus on older adults with low to moderate income.
Tax-Aide volunteers provide free tax preparation and filing services to adults with low to moderate income in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Volunteers are trained and IRS-certified every year to ensure they understand the latest changes to the U.S. Tax Code. Since the pandemic, AARP Foundation has seen a significant increase in volunteer applications nationwide, with over 20,000 people applying to help older adults file their tax returns in 2023.
AARP Foundation Tax-Aide offers several options for taxpayer assistance:
- In-Person Service: In Tax-Aide’s traditional in-person service, taxes are prepared and filed by IRS-certified tax counselors.
- One-Visit Scan: (Internet access required) Tax documents are scanned at the Tax-Aide site and then Tax-Aide volunteers prepare the return remotely.
- Two-Visit Scan: Tax documents are scanned at the Tax-Aide site and then volunteers prepare the return remotely. During a second visit, taxpayers work with a volunteer to finalize their return and obtain a printed copy for their records.
- Drop Off Service: Tax documents are left at the Tax-Aide site with an IRS-certified volunteer and the return is prepared remotely. During a second visit, taxpayers work with a volunteer to file their return and obtain a printed copy and their original documents.
- No Site Visit Required: (Internet access required) Taxpayers upload tax documents to the IRS-provided software. Tax-Aide volunteers prepare the return remotely and work with the taxpayer to file the return electronically.
- Online Coaching: The taxpayer prepares their own return and receives online support from an IRS-certified volunteer to help them along the way.
- Facilitated Self-Assistance: Taxpayers schedule an appointment at a Tax-Aide site to work with a volunteer to complete and file their own return.
- Self-Preparation: The taxpayer prepares their own return using a software product made available through our website.
Access to the different types of taxpayer assistance varies by location.
Users can find the nearest Tax-Aide location in their area and assistance options by visiting the Tax-Aide site locator. The site locator features a Tax-Aide chat bot that can help book an appointment, answer questions about the program and transfer the conversation to a live agent if needed or requested. For more information, including which documents to bring to the tax site, visit or call 1-888-AARPNOW (1-888-227-7669).