AARP Oklahoma and Guthrie Green are hosting free meditative experiences for the community. Join us inside Fly Loft, 117 N. Boston Ave in Tulsa, for the Sound Bath Meditation Series. Each event inlcudes a one-hour, deeply immersive, and full-body listening experience that uses sound to nurture your mind and body. Sana Meditation will lead this theraputic experience by playing instruments such as crystal singing bowl, chimes, and a gong to fill the space with a variety of sounds and tones to lead the participant into relaxation or meditation. Please dress comfortably and bring a pillow and blanket to get comfortable on the floor. The Sound Bath experience is free and open to all ages. Parents are encouraged to consider their child's ability to participate in this meditative experience. Please plan to arrive early. Sound Bath starts promptly at 10 a.m. Space is limited and on a first-come, first-serve basis.